In the Solitude of Cotton Fields

Bernard-Marie Koltès (1948-1989) was arguably the greatest French playwright of his generation, and In the Solitude of Cotton Fields is his most significant and original text.
Staging a tense confrontation in an abandoned place in the middle of the night, In the Solitude of Cotton Fields is a dialogue between two anonymous characters, a Dealer and a Client. The former seems to have something to sell but the latter isn’t buying. As each attempts to outmanoeuvre the other, the object of their negotiation changes along with their relationship itself. Poised on the knife edge that separates commerce from combat, Solitude explores the uncertain space that opens up when the pursuit of mutual understanding shuts down.
Reconfigured as a polyphonic work for seven performers, this in-house production of Solitude dramatises a situation in which people are compelled to relate to each other in transactional terms -- but then stubbornly refuse to do so.
Direction: Sinéad Rushe
Design: Leshaun Williams. Sound: Lex Kosanke. Lighting: Holly Ellis
Movement: Nevena Stojkov. Voice: Hannah Benjamin.
Costume supervisor: Lia Weber
Production/SM: James Thompson. Nancy Fry. Vénusz Kárász
Production sound: Grzegorz Staniewcz
Dealer: Ola Stojak, Bessie Wang, Axel Kengne, Kane Payne, Vivek Sharma
Client: Emma Harrison, Christopher Hamilton
Photos by Patrick Baldwin